Historical Ag-Weather API

This API returns historical weather data specific to the Agriculture industry. Data returned is sourced from the GLDAS and ERA5 datasets, along with state of the art, satellite based precipitation measurements. With this API, you can retrieve soil temperature, soil moisture, reference evapotranspiration, and more!

This API is available to the following plans (See: pricing):

  • Business plan
  • Enterprise plan

NOTICE: Data is available 10 years in the past from current date.

The following per API request limitations apply (See pricing):

  • Trial Plan: 1 day per API request.
  • *Business / Enterprise plans: 7 days per API request.
  • Other plan(s): No access

*For convenience, up to 1 month of data can be requested per API request. However, requests that exceed 7 days will count as multiple requests against the plan daily quota. Example: 30 days = 5 requests, 14 days = 2 requests.

All parameters should be supplied to the Weather API as query string parameters.

Base URL

HTTP: http://api.weatherbit.io/v2.0/history/agweather
HTTPS: https://api.weatherbit.io/v2.0/history/agweather
Supported Methods: GET

Request Parameters

key=[key] (REQUIRED)
  • key - Your API Key.
start_date=[YYYY-MM-DD] (REQUIRED)
end_date=[YYYY-MM-DD] (REQUIRED)
  • M - [DEFAULT] Metric (Celsius, m/s, mm)
  • S - Scientific (Kelvin, m/s, mm)
  • I - Fahrenheit (F, mph, in)
tp=[time_period] (optional - Time period of each timestamp, default = daily)
  • hourly - Aggregate in hourly time steps
  • daily - [DEFAULT] Aggregate in Daily time steps

API Endpoints

Description Required Parameters Example(s)
Get data by lat/lon lat, lon, start_date, end_date &lat=35.123&lon=-78.543&start_date=2024-10-18&end_date=2024-10-19

Example Request:


Example Response (JSON):

              } ... 


Field Decriptions:

  • lat: Latitude (Degrees).
  • lon: Longitude (Degrees).
  • data: [
    • valid_date: Date (YYYY-MM-DD).
    • timestamp_local: Timestamp at Local time.
    • timestamp_utc: Timestamp at UTC time.
    • revision_status Data revision status - interim (subject to revisions) or final.
    • bulk_soil_density: Bulk Soil Density (kg/m^3).
    • skin_temp_max: Max skin temperature (C).
    • skin_temp_avg: Average skin temperature (C).
    • skin_temp_min: Min skin temperature (C).
    • temp_2m_avg: Average 2 meter temperature (C).
    • precip: Accumulated precipitation (mm).
    • specific_humidity: Average specific humidity (kg/kg).
    • evapotranspiration: Reference evapotranspiration - ET0 (mm).
    • pres_avg: Average Surface pressure (mb).
    • wind_10m_spd_avg: Average 10 meter wind speed (m/s).
    • dlwrf_avg: Average hourly downward long-wave solar radiation (W/m^2 · H).
    • dlwrf_max: Maximum hourly downward long-wave solar radiation (W/m^2 · H).
    • dswrf_avg: Average hourly downward short-wave solar radiation (W/m^2 · H).
    • dswrf_max: Maximum hourly downward short-wave solar radiation (W/m^2 · H).
    • dlwrf_net: Net longwave solar radiation (W/m^2 · D).
    • dswrf_net: Net shortwave solar radiation (W/m^2 · D).
    • soilm_0_10cm: Average Soil moisture content 0 to 10 cm depth (mm).
    • soilm_10_40cm: Average Soil moisture content 10 to 40 cm depth (mm).
    • soilm_40_100cm: Average Soil moisture content 40 to 100 cm depth (mm).
    • soilm_100_200cm: Average Soil moisture content 100 to 200 cm depth (mm).
    • v_soilm_0_10cm: Average Volumetric soil moisture content 0 to 10 cm depth (fraction).
    • v_soilm_10_40cm: Average Volumetric soil moisture content 10 to 40 cm depth (fraction).
    • v_soilm_40_100cm: Average Volumetric soil moisture content 40 to 100 cm depth (fraction).
    • v_soilm_100_200cm: Average Volumetric soil moisture content 100 to 200 cm depth (fraction)
    • soilt_0_10cm: Average Soil temperature at 0 to 10 cm depth (C).
    • soilt_10_40cm: Average Soil temperature at 10 to 40 cm depth (C).
    • soilt_40_100cm: Average Soil temperature at 40 to 100 cm depth (C).
    • soilt_100_200cm: Average Soil temperature at 100 to 200 cm depth (C).
  • ... ]