Weather Forecast API

Improve your business applications with accurate forecasts derived from the world's best high resolution global, and regional weather models. These forecasts incorporate corrections for model biases using state of the art machine learning methods. Our temperature forecasts consistently outperform those of all competitors, including the US National Weather Service! View our live forecast verification page to see how our API has performed against the competition over the past 30 days.

Available weather fields:

  • Temperature
  • Pressure
  • Dew point
  • Wind speed
  • Wind direction
  • Precipitation
  • Snowfall
  • Cloud Cover
  • Humidity
  • Dew Point
  • Solar Radiation
  • UV Index
  • Visibility
  • Weather Conditions
  • Day/Night

You can look up weather data by many methods including:

  • Latitude/longitude
  • City name
  • Weather station ID
  • Airport ICAO code
  • Postal (zip) code for any country in the world

Forecast API Advantages:

High Resolution

High spatial resolution forecasts derived from model data ranging from 1-13 KM globally.

High Precision and Accuracy

A combination of statistical, and machine learning methods select the best performing models as well as correct for any data biases. This produces a forecast which is consitently more accurate than any competing weather forecast API.

Hourly, and Daily Forecasts

Retreive hourly forecasts out to 120 hours, or daily forecasts out to 16 days in the future.

60 Minute (Minutely) Precipitation Forecasts

60 minute (minute-by-minute) forecasts backed by weather radar, satellite, and deterministic nowcasting methods.

Weather Forecast API's

Forecast API (16 day / daily)
  • 16 day / daily forecasts for any location in the world
  • Forecast data from the world's most accurate weather models including the GFS 13km, ECMWF, DWD 6.5km ICON-Europe, and NOAA 3km HRRR
  • Over 22 weather fields returned, including: temperature, precipitation, snowfall/snow depth, solar irradiance, UV index, and weather conditions
Forecast API (240 hour / hourly)
  • Up to 240 hour / hourly (10 days / hourly) forecasts for any location in the world
  • Forecast data from the world's most accurate weather models including the GFS 13km, ECMWF, DWD 6.5km ICON-Europe, and the NOAA 3km HRRR
  • Over 22 weather fields returned, including: temperature, precipitation, snowfall/snow depth, solar irradiance, UV index, and weather conditions
Forecast API (1 hour / minutely)
  • An accurate 1 hour (60 minute) precipitation forecast for any point on the planet using both radar, and weather model data.
  • Returns 1 minute interval forecasts for the following weather fields: precipitation rate, and snowfall rate.
How do I get started?
  • Sign up for an account.
  • Use the API key provided in the account dashboard.
  • Visit our API Documentation for usage instructions.