Historical Air Quality

This Air Quality API returns hourly historical air quality conditions for any location in the world. It returns air quality data on the 6 major surface pollutants - PM 2.5, PM 10, CO, SO2, NO2, and O3. Additionally, this API returns an air quality index score. By default this API returns the past 72 hours, however, a start/end date may be passed to obtain a different range. Data is available going back to January 13th, 2022 at this time.. Requests for more than 5 days of data count as multiple historical requests against your daily quota ie. (30 days = 6 requests, 14 days = 3 requests).

This API is available to the following plans (See: pricing):

  • Business plan
  • Enterprise plan

All parameters should be supplied to the API as query string parameters.

Base URL

HTTP: http://api.weatherbit.io/v2.0/history/airquality
HTTPS: https://api.weatherbit.io/v2.0/history/airquality
Supported Methods: GET

Request Parameters

key=[key] (REQUIRED)
  • key - Your API Key.
start_date=[YYYY-MM-DD]&end_date=[YYYY-MM-DD] (optional)
tz=[utc OR local](optional)
  • local - [DEFAULT] Assumes LOCAL for start_date, end_date
  • UTC - Assumes UTC time for start_date, end_date

API Endpoints

Description Required Parameters Example(s)
Get data by lat/lon (Recommended) lat,lon &lat=38.123&lon=-78.543
Get data by city name city, state(optional), country (optional)
  • &city=Raleigh&country=US
  • &city=Raleigh,NC
  • &city=Raleigh,North+Carolina
Get data by postal code postal_code, country (optional) &postal_code=27601&country=US
Get data by city id city_id &city_id=8953360

Example Requests:


Example Response (JSON):

                }, ... 

Field Decriptions:

  • lat: Latitude (Degrees).
  • lon: Longitude (Degrees).
  • timezone: Local IANA Timezone.
  • city_name: City name.
  • country_code: Country abbreviation.
  • state_code: State abbreviation/code.
  • data: [
    • timestamp_local: Timestamp at local time.
    • timestamp_utc: Timestamp at UTC time.
    • ts: Unix Timestamp at UTC time.
    • aqi: Air Quality Index [US - EPA standard 0 - +500]
    • o3: Concentration of surface O3 (µg/m³)
    • so2: Concentration of surface SO2 (µg/m³)
    • no2: Concentration of surface NO2 (µg/m³)
    • co: Concentration of carbon monoxide (µg/m³)
    • pm25: Concentration of particulate matter < 2.5 microns (µg/m³)
    • pm10: Concentration of particulate matter < 10 microns (µg/m³)
  • ... ]